Time flows fast – NaPoWriMo 2016 Day 25
Time flows fast
One luminary clock against the sky
The clock ticks by, as time flies by.
Yesterday is gone with a sigh,
And Tomorrow will end before a blink.
But today is what we have,
To Cherish, to love, to Live.
Endless love, is what we wish,
Bliss-full life, is what we cherish.
All of this is within our reach,
But only if we practice what we preach.
Time is flowing quickly lass,
Like sand in an hourglass.
Don’t let your life run by,
Before you can learn to fly.
Worry not! start now before you fall,
Tis better late, than never after all.
For life might end soon,
Before even the very next full moon.
NaPoWriMo 2016 Day 25
The prompt was
Today, I’d like to challenge you to write a poem that begins with a line from a another poem (not necessarily the first one), but then goes elsewhere with it.
I always liked Robert Frost’s works. The first line is taken from Acquainted with the Night.
Click here to read my other NaPoWriMo Prompts..