Category: Ramblings

Long time

Hiatus – a pause or break in continuity in a sequence or activity. That’s what I been up to … creating hiatus in my stream of Blog posts… and in turn leading to a totally...

Toxicity of comparison

Toxicity of comparison, this topic has been on my mind for some months now. The life we live in today is consumed by social media. From Whatsapp status to Instagram stories… we are bombarded...

After a long hiatus

After a long hiatus

Hello everyone (after a long hiatus….if you are still following me) It has been a long time since my last post. I don’t have anything else to give as an excuse except that I’ve...

Your life is your own

Your life is your own

  It’s surreal how we tend to think of opposites when we deal with anything. When you reach somewhere early, you are glad that you are not late. When you eat bad food you...

Life is short

For most of us, Death is something abstract. It is something we encounter everyday when we listen or read the news. It is always a silent presence in life. But we don’t realise the...

Stop setting up for Failure

We all have been through that zone in our life at some point or other. And for some of us, it feels like we are always in that mode. A failure mode, where thoughts...

Fresh Start

They say that you start to care about something once you have lost it. Well, almost lost in my case I suppose. I had this blog hosted in its new domain for almost 2...

Work In Progress

My own blog – WIP

Finally, I have my own blog [my domain]. It has been a long journey for me 2004 – First website @ Yahoo geocities [ sadly geocities was discontiued] 2009 – Blog [] 2016...