Looking out the Window – NaPoWriMo 2016 Day 8

Traveling by train always makes me contemplate life. Somehow it just kick-starts all sorts of thoughts and I end up with the question of why..

Looking out the window.

Scenery rushing past, just like how life rushes past.

Looking out the Window

Looking out the window,
Watching everything run past.
Looking out the window,
Listening to the thud thud noise of train.

Looking out the window,
The window of life.
Staring confused,
Searching for the right stop.

Trying to enjoy the beauty outside,
Yet ending up only staring and thinking.
Thoughts of yesterday and tomorrow,
Forcing the mind to brood.

Yet why don’t we just,
Sit and enjoy the beauty outside.
Feel the wind on the face as it rushes past.
Feel the sun kissing the skin as it bids adieu.

For today is not forever,
Like a train journey, the last stop will come,
And come it will soon enough,
With nary a warning in sight.

And with that stop,
We will find that our worry was all for naught.
Regret is a stern master,
For what is lost can never be found.

Stop now and think!
Don’t become a slave of regret.
For there is time yet,
Till the last stop comes by.


NaPoWriMo 2016 Day 8

This was not ritten for any prompt. I had written it initially. Now I edited the post to add it for NaPoWriMo.

Check out my other NaPoWriMo work here —>NaPoWriMo [2016]

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