Sherlocked ;)
I recently saw the Sherlock series…and Benedict Cumberbatch inspired me to crochet Sherlock style amigurumi/doll for a friend of mine
I was afraid it won’t be good…. But it turned out well. I altered the pattern a bit to make Sherlock taller. I made the legs longer and more defined. I also added glove-like thing. Though the colour of it doesn’t suit him.
The most fun and toughest part was giving Sherlock a haircut. I was afraid that all the good work would go to waste. Thankfully it turned out well.
And the mouth, that’s a funny incident. While I was giving a haircut a small thread of the yarn just got stuck to the place where the mouth should be. And it looked good So I just took my fevicol and stuck it for good.
The scarf is removable. Made it with anchor knitting cotton.
The pattern is taken from
Now this is how it was in the end