Long time

Hiatus – a pause or break in continuity in a sequence or activity.

That’s what I been up to … creating hiatus in my stream of Blog posts… and in turn leading to a totally inconsistent existence on this platform. But hey.. life happens. Atleast that’s what we always say.

Aaaand that leads to – “Life has been hectic” – My standard excuse of course. You can see a number of posts where I appear out of nowhere and apologize for disappearing into the vast emptyness.

Take for example

Anyways … I just wanted to list down some of the stuff I have been up to in the hope that I will be motivated to continue/do more.

So here’s what I have been up to in the past 2 years (😲 It’s been 2 years since lockdown)

Joined a book club

Joining ‘Desbundar ‘ was one of the best things I did. It helped me to pick up reading. Since my college days and when I started working, my reading really took a dip. I was still reading a few books a year. But it was not at the level I used to do. Being part of a book club, reading a book a month, actually kickstarted me into reading more.

    • 2020 – 28 books
    • 2021 – 62 books
    • 2022 (till today) – 21 books

Check out this fun graph generated by The StoryGraph

The StoryGraph is an amazing alternative to GoodReads. If you are an avid reader and love to keep track of your reading without getting into the pull of social media.. then I would highly recommend trying StoryGraph. Maybe I should make post about it? another thing to think about.

Hand-lettered consistently for a year

When lockdown first started in March, I wanted to do something. Something consistent, something to keep my mind off what was happening around the world. And when I saw the first lettering challenge going up in Instagram at that time, I knew I wanted to give it a try.. I then decided to do a ’till covid ends challenge’. But then it was difficult to continue forever. I maintained it for a little more than 365 days. By then work got hectic and I stopped.

I wrote every single day and a square mandala every single day.


Instagram Snapshot


The most amazing thing is, I did it everyday, irrespective or work, mood etc. Looking back I barely know how I kept at it. It is basically mindset isn’t it? This definitely bears more thought.

IPAD !!!!

Finally achieved one of my goals of getting an IPad. Thanks to my workplace for appreciating my work and providing me the means to have one of my own. My interest in the iPad stems from Apple Pen and Procreate App

And once I got it, I attempted a few digital art/lettering stuff. It’s not great.. but then its not just the output that matters right? Isn’t it also the effort we put in?

It’s like – It is not just the destination, but the journey also matters. Here’s a snapshot of my attempts

Instagram Snapshot - Digital Art

I know it’s not much. But I really hope that making this post will make me feel motivated to start doing things more. Here’s to hope and motivation and strength to persevere.

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2 Responses

  1. Random Author-kun says:

    So you kind of went on a sabbatical ? 🙂

  2. Arun says:

    You have always been the explorer. It is nice to see that you are thriving. Keep exploring.

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