Category: Maybe Poetry

elusive feelings

Elusive Feelings

Elusive Feelings – A Search It is difficult to search, when one is blind. Nay, not blind in the actual sense Rather blind in the emotional sense. A futile search, one can say, And...


An Illusion

An Illusion – Or not It’s a long way up to reach the great peak. Appearances are deceptive. That which appears distant, May just be around the next bend. That which one feels is...

A futile struggle

Sitting here and staring, Struggling against the bonds that bind me close. Trying to forget all that was, Trying to cope with all that is Trying to hope for all that will be. A...

In search of it

In search of it

In Search of it In this barren land I seek, For that of which I cannot speak. With it I can sleep without dreams, With it I can live my life in peace. Though...

life a stage

Life a stage

Life a stage A thousand thoughts a’swirling, Making like confusing. Life is a stage, they say and we are actors. When do we get to change roles? I ask. When do we change scenes?...


Memories of a time gone by

Leaving college after 4 long years. Feeling emotional and these words just wrote itself Memories of a time gone by… ——————- Memories of four years Gone quick at the blink of an eye Random...

Sanskrit Poet’s Game Part II

I used to participate in the Sanskrit Poet’s Game in Online Literature website.Anyway here is how this game works. You write a prompt..a line. The next user/poster should write a poem with the prompted line as the...

Sanskrit Poet’s Game Part I

I used to participate in the Sanskrit Poet’s Game in Online Literature website, later though I never continued. It was fun while it lasted. I always wanted to go try the last prompt.Anyway here is how...