Breeze on the face – NaPoWriMo 2016 Day 16

Image Courtesy: Bruce Berrien

Image Courtesy: Bruce Berrien

Breeze on the face

Breeze on the face,
Wading through memories.
A smile, a laugh,
Makes anyone a beauty.

Tiny bursts of wind abound,
Smell of a freshly mown lawn.
All these and more
Makes life more precious and sound.

It is never the actual things which matter,
Always it’s the memories and emotions.
What you do today carries its imprint,
For eons and eons to come.


NaPoWriMo 2016 Day 16

 The prompt was

And now for our (optional) prompt. Today, I challenge you to fill out, in no more than five minutes, the following “Almanac Questionnaire,” which solicits concrete details about a specific place (real or imagined). Then write a poem incorporating or based on one or more of your answers. Happy writing!

But I didn’t go fully by the prompt. I just picked out what I found outside the window [Breeze] and wrote something out.

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