A mess, I confess – NaPoWriMo 2017 Day 12

Image Courtesy: KakaduArt
A pile of pillows,
Flew free from your silent side,
As if on a chase for my face.
Laughing lightly we start the flight,
Of pillows pitted at each other to my delight.
Feathers flew around in a fury,
And the face glowed as the laughter echoed.
Soon the cat carefully entered the fray.
Slowly, silently she crept in,
And ended up slipping and sliding,
Amidst the fluffy feathers flying forth.
A fun fest it was, though started it was in jest.
Cleanup came as the eventual end,
With broken brooms, we swept subtly,
Everything went beneath the bed,
For technically tomorrow is there after all,
To fix this bit of a mess, I must confess.
NaPoWriMo 2017 Day 12
Today’s prompt
Today, I’d like you to write a poem that explicitly incorporates alliteration (the use of repeated consonant sounds) and assonance (the use of repeated vowel sounds). This doesn’t mean necessarily limiting yourself to a few consonants or vowels, although it could. Even relatively restrained alliteration and assonance can help tighten a poem, with the sounds reinforcing the sense. Need some examples. Here’s Gerard Manley Hopkins showcasing alliteration and assonance on overdrive. And here is a poem with a more restrained approach from Kevin Young.
This is what I end up with when my roommate decides that throwing a pillow at me is fun specially when I am thinking of what to write for today’s prompt. So I suppose this should be dedicated to Srujana. And of course, the beautiful white cat who always decides to visit us when we want to sleep.
The whole thing is a mess though, the poem I mean. Though I did come to know what alliteration and assonance are properly. Last I heard of them was during school days for exams.
Click here to read my other NaPoWriMo Prompts…