Crystal to Green – NaPoWriMo 2017 Day 13

Image Courtesy: skyrice
Bits of leaves dried up and packed,
Into sacks of linen with lemon extracts,
Or perhaps ginger, jasmine or maybe pomegranate?
Just green tea is too bland for their palate.
Dipped in cups of boiling water,
Turning muddy green from crystal clear,
Bitter in taste, few would say,
And even fewer would admit their love.
Yet all go running around to add,
These small sachets to their carts,
Do they buy it for health? Or I wonder
If it’s just another fad, which could disappear.
NaPoWriMo 2017 Day 13
Off prompt today
Today’s idea is thanks to my colleague. He ran off towards the end of lunch to get his green tea parcel. Ordered online of course…. So this is for you Vaibhav ๐
Enjoy your green tea.
Click here to read my other NaPoWriMo Prompts…