Elevenie – Music – NaPoWriMo 2017 Day 23


Image Courtesy: geralt

Transports us
To another world
Where troubles are forgotten

we become,
With soft music,
And so we are


NaPoWriMo 2017 Day 23

Today’s prompt,

Our prompt for Day Twenty-Three comes to us from Gloria Gonsalves, who challenges us to write a double elevenie. What’s that? Well, an elevenie is an eleven-word poem of five lines, with each line performing a specific task in the poem. The first line is one word, a noun. The second line is two words that explain what the noun in the first line does, the third line explains where the noun is in three words, the fourth line provides further explanation in four words, and the fifth line concludes with one word that sums up the feeling or result of the first line’s noun being what it is and where it is.

Click here to read my other NaPoWriMo Prompts…

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