A half-life – NaPoWriMo 2017 Day 15

A half-life

Image Courtesy: banditetr

Half the time, life is deceived with halves,
Half-filled water coolers, awaiting a refill,
Half-empty box of lunch, awaiting anothers share,
Half-eaten chocolate, staring innocently back,
Half slept eyes, blinking out the sleep.
Half begun cleanup, making a bigger mess,
Half-read books lying open, paper getting creased,
Half-cooked meals, relished only by few,
And nearly a half of adult life,
Spent in one half-baked search after another,
For that elusive better half of ours.

It is no wonder, that this partition of two,
Directs our life like no other crew.
The allure we have for everything in life,
Seems split into a fraction of two.
Well begun is half done, or so they say,
Even here, the eternal half rules the day.
Half the problems in life will be solved,
When we lose this obsession about the other half.
If we just do what must be done, forgetting all the halves,
Life will become a full circle without our need
To search for the missing hemisphere.


NaPoWriMo 2017 Day 15

Today’s prompt,

Because we’re halfway through NaPoWriMo/GloPoWriMo today, I’d like to challenge you to write a poem that reflects on the nature of being in the middle of something. The poem could be about being on a journey and stopping for a break, or the gap between something half-done and all-done. Half a loaf is supposedly better than none, but what’s the difference between half of a very large loaf and all of a very small one? Let your mind wander into the middle distance, betwixt the beginning of things and the end. Hopefully, you will find some poetry there!

Just thoughts on how there seems to be halves in different aspects of our life…

Click here to read my other NaPoWriMo Prompts…

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