Green Box – NaPoWriMo 2017 Day 25

Green Box

A little green box,
Battered and worn,
Filled with care,
During a summer long gone.

Layered with pieces of string,
And buttons abound.
Few dried leaves and pages torn,
And atop all this,
Most precious of all,
A wrist-watch drowned,
And a compass worn.

A little green box,
Battered and worn,
Filled with care,
During a summer long gone.


NaPoWriMo 2017 Day 25


In 1958, the philosopher/critic Gaston Bachelard wrote a book called The Poetics of Space, about the emotional relationship that people have with particular kinds of spaces – the insides of sea shells, drawers, nooks, and all the various parts of houses. Today, I’d like to challenge you to write a poem that explores a small, defined space – it could be your childhood bedroom, or the box where you keep old photos. It could be the inside of a coin purse or the recesses of an umbrella stand. Any space will do – so long as it is small, definite, and meaningful to you

I am not sure if this satisfies the prompt. But I picked the green box, I was given 16 years ago. I still treasure it a lot.

Click here to read my other NaPoWriMo Prompts…

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