Just to Be – NaPoWriMo 2017 Day 1

Just To Be

Image Courtesy: Couleur

Just to Be

A busy life,
And amidst it,
A silent park.
Childhood laughter,
Youthful giggles,
Echoes of time
Long gone by
pierce the silence
of an early morning.
Eroded and varnished
it remains in
time’s immortal spell.
Yet in a while
People old and young
trickle slowly in
Running and jogging
Meditating and reading
Just to forget,
Life’s myriad hardships,
and to lose,
Oneself in an
Eden of calmness.
Just to Be
..Just to Be..


NaPoWriMo 2017 Day 1

The prompt was

In honor of today’s interviewee, I’d like to challenge you to write a Kay-Ryan-esque poem: short, tight lines, rhymes interwoven throughout, maybe an animal or two, and, if you can manage to stuff it in, a sharp little philosophical conclusion

I found a park near where I live. In the busy environment around, it was quite shocking to find a park which seems to have stood still in time. Only the wooden planks have eroded and broken a bit. But anyway.. I have been thinking of writing something about that place, and when I saw this prompt… I knew what I wanted to write about.

Click here to read my other NaPoWriMo Prompts…

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2 Responses

  1. Ron. Lavalette says:

    I liked this very much…and a great photo, too! My hat’s off.

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