Thoughts Of A Search – NaPoWriMo 2016 Day 27

Thoughts of a search

Thoughts of a search

A lonely night, an  eerie street, A howling wind, pattering raindrops.
An innocence lost, a sorrow found, is this what you want, all for naught?
Look left, turn right, look everywhere and start a search
Search, a search, it is always a search for that elusive…

The wind is howling yet, for it cares not for you.
Stop this, stop being a slave, you are your own person.
Trust others not, Trust just yourself, just your own self.
No one can break you, except your own consciousness,

Don’t forget this in this busy rush to get around,
There is no journey, there is no destination, you go where you go.
When all is said and done, you are just two dates with a dash in between,
Why then do you rush about searching, searching and never finding peace.

Stop this and live, live for yourself, live for your love,
Live for your desires a thousand times and more,
Start today and leave those stiffling chains that bind you,
Believe in yourself and the peace you search for will come in search of you.



NaPoWriMo 2016 Day 27

The prompt was

Today’s prompt comes to us from Megan Pattie, who points us to the work of the Irish poet Ciaran Carson, who increasingly writes using very long lines. Carson has stated that his lines are (partly) based on the seventeen syllables of the haiku, and that he strives to achieve the clarity of the haiku in each line. So today, Megan and I collectively challenge you to write a poem with very long lines. You can aim for seventeen syllables, but that’s just a rough guide. If you’re having trouble buying into the concept of long lines, maybe this essay on Whitman’s infamously leggy verse will convince you of their merits. Happy writing!

Didn’t count if the syllables fit.. just tried to write something longer than I usually do.

Click here to read my other NaPoWriMo Prompts…

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