
Ultimate Goal

Words….which matter

These lines are extracted from a fanfiction…I liked them a lot. they can be found at the link given. —————-Inevitable – EggplantAndCaviar at Ashwinder ——————————————- Many hold the belief that the ultimate goal in life...

Sanskrit Poet’s Game Part II

I used to participate in the Sanskrit Poet’s Game in Online Literature website.Anyway here is how this game works. You write a prompt..a line. The next user/poster should write a poem with the prompted line as the...

Sanskrit Poet’s Game Part I

I used to participate in the Sanskrit Poet’s Game in Online Literature website, later though I never continued. It was fun while it lasted. I always wanted to go try the last prompt.Anyway here is how...

Poster’s block

I think I have been struck with a case of poster’s block. I am in a confused state of what to do or write….

Fire 'n' Ice

1 Year to go – Fire ‘n’ Ice

Will the world really end a year from now? Honestly I really don’t care… if we have to die then lets…Am getting too tired of life. Fire and Ice BY ROBERT FROST Some say...

Dumb Creatures

A bit of thought on Humans…

“Animals – They have no delusions of power. If they kill, they do so in self-defense, protection of their young, or to eat and survive. War, treachery, deception, power…what are these to the non-human...