Flickering Flame

Flickering Flame

Image Courtesy: skeeze

Flickering Flame

A little while now delay,
As the fingers feel the burn.
Lost amidst this world, nay
Tis just a thought, or a feelin.
Of the mind in full disarray.

Stretching and starting to juggle,
Just to turn around, and find it in vain.
Once this place was warm to snuggle,
But now only coldness and pain remain.

Yet one spot remains far away,
Amidst the coldest of all the place.
Here a flickering flame burns so gay,
And the smoke rises tall, a fiery tail in its wake.

As the hands move towards it unbidden,
The heat curls up and starts to burn.
Burning up the cold and darkness hidden,
Burning up all the thoughts in turn,
And in the end, only pain remains.

And yet this pain is not so bad,
Bittersweet Yes, and oh so warm.
If all of life were to be in pain.
Choose this one, with nary a thought.

This pain brings into stark clarity,
All that was waiting to be fixed,
All that was missing in reality.
And all that was broken to be melded.

This eerie flame so blessed,
Is bringing back all that was lost,
And fixing life at its best,
Leaving with just a thought,
Nothing was ever in vain, even the so-called pain.

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