Crochet Shopping

I recently went to Coimbatore. There in Cross Cut Road , Gandhipuram I found a thread/Yarn shop. I didn’t get time to fully investigate what all were there. But it was a usual shop which stocked mostly in thread and acrylic yarn. I needed White acrylic for my friend’s Lily ( I have to make it one of these days.) and I found this golden and peach shining thread thingy it made me think of making that LOTR bookmark I saw a few months back. I’ll put up the link when I make it. Anyway the store is in the right side street just before Sree Devi Textiles.

Here is the pics..

Oh and I also went to Connexions ( which was formerly called Anweshana and still formerly called Landmark. That was where I brought my original toy weaving loom in ’98 .) There I got this crochet kit thing. It wasn’t much but I just had to buy it… It cost Rs.190. I got 2 plastic tapestry needle and 2 thick crochet hook. Don’t know the size but it was much thicker than the hooks I had. It was had 7 acrylic yarn and an instruction booklet. I thought that would help one of my friend. She had come to my house one day and I just taught her sc, hdc and dc. It just took about an hour. Now recently when I went to her house for her B’day I saw that she is making a lovely Welcome wall hanger to be put in front of her house. No one would believe that it was made from watching me crochet just for an hour. Wow… I’ll post a photo when she finishes it and I got to her house..Now back to the kit. well I brought it and here are the pics…

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