Author: Vin


Raincircle – NaPoWriMo 2017 Day 5

Earth’s own light show starts up, After a heavy pouring of rain, Bringing with it joyous shouts, And innumerable childish delights. Sunlight keeps splitting up, As it visits each water drop. An array of...

Just To Be

Just to Be – NaPoWriMo 2017 Day 1

Just to Be A busy life, And amidst it, A silent park. Childhood laughter, Youthful giggles, Echoes of time Long gone by pierce the silence of an early morning. Eroded and varnished it remains...

Fly Free

Fly Free

Fly Free Patterns in the sky, calling out to me, Thoughts of dreams abound, seducing as you please. Like a thousand miles, of empty space and clouds. Clouds of dreamy thoughts, and of desires...

Growing Fractals

Growing Fractals

Growing Fractals Thoughts upon thoughts, Cluttering this space. Erasing out the vacuum filled waste. Like a fractal, progressively adding up, Feelings, repeating and expanding, Endlessly filling up anew. Darkness dissolving in multi-hued bubbles, Bursting...

Flickering Flame

Flickering Flame

Flickering Flame A little while now delay, As the fingers feel the burn. Lost amidst this world, nay Tis just a thought, or a feelin. Of the mind in full disarray. Stretching and starting...

Meetings & Partings

Meetings and Partings

Meetings and Partings A minute, an hour, Of each second of every day, Life keeps changing before our eyes. With each turn of this earth, Another day is gone, Changed forever for all it...

Musical trance

Influenced by Porcupine Tree and Coldplay 🙂 Musical Trance Ears caressed by earphones, In this dark and dreary night, Strains of sweet nothings, Stream in as if in terrified flight. Step up the volume...