
Your body isn’t just your own

Your body isn’t your own.  Think twice before indulging in self-harm. A few days ago I was letting my mind wander free, with no clear direction and I happened to remember a certain scene...


The rules of the game called “Life”

“Life is a god-tier game—or so one famous copypasta goes. But from where I stand, that’s B.S. You get discriminated against or treated poorly for your face, your build, your age. No matter how...

Listless ‘n’ lost

When lost and bereft of thoughts, When nothing makes an impact. When all seems naught and invain The slow buildup kills us, One cell at a time, torturous.   Why does it even matter, In the...

Toxicity of comparison

Toxicity of comparison, this topic has been on my mind for some months now. The life we live in today is consumed by social media. From Whatsapp status to Instagram stories… we are bombarded...

Find yourself

Scattered around, on the floors and steps, Splinters and broken twigs. Of lost regards and hearts gone numb, Thoughts of a time gone by, Of moments frozen still. A slow breeze stirs out, With...

After a long hiatus

After a long hiatus

Hello everyone (after a long hiatus….if you are still following me) It has been a long time since my last post. I don’t have anything else to give as an excuse except that I’ve...

Light’s Shadow or Shadow’s light

A diminishing shadow, moving on with fading twilight Wishing for longevity and endlessness, Looking forward to another light, Bright, nay even perchance one faded might. Slithering and slinking, twisting and fighting. Grasping at time...

The long walk

When only silence reigns,With nary a person in sight.When the only sounds heard are,The crunches upon glasses and broken tiles. Sinking and tearing up the skin,Making wounds which, leaving scars. And yet time is...

Your life is your own

Your life is your own

  It’s surreal how we tend to think of opposites when we deal with anything. When you reach somewhere early, you are glad that you are not late. When you eat bad food you...